A folded card bearing a message of greeting, congratulation, or other sentiment usually sent to express other feeling on special occasions, such as new year, birthdays, Eid or other holidays. It is called greetings card which is usually packaged with an envelop. It has various style and types such as standard greetings card (which is printed on high quality paper), photo greetings card, Musical greetings card, Electronic greetings card etc.
Electronic greetings card is also called E-cards. Flash based animated cards and Picture based card can be send by email. Recently many social networking site like Facebook offer users to send greetings. We like to send greetings and now a days e-card is more popular than others. It is more enjoyable if we can send the card in our mother language.
Here I want to give you some website address by which you can send e-card in Bangla. Click on the link below